Cindy recommends ...

Popular drinkware promotional giveaways make a marketing splash

4imprint’s drinkware guru, Mae, tells what’s good for sipping. Top-trending drinkware makes a perfect...

Andy digs ...

Partnership marketing using promotional giveaway products

There’s a reason the phrase two heads are better than one has been popular for more than four centuries...

Diane chooses ...

Creative promotional products for memorable marketing

Ready to make your marketing extra memorable? These creative promotional products can help your brand sta...

Sarah recommends ...

Promotional giveaway items for a successful launch | 4imprint Learning Center

Looking for ways to get your business, product or service up and running? These tips and promotional give...

Cheryl describes ...

Promotional fanny pack uses to rock your next trade show

Once considered an out-of-date fashion don’t, the fanny pack is currently having a big comeback. Stars ...

Boost team spirit with team-building gifts

A strong team spirit builds a better company. These tips and team-building gifts will help you take team ...

Bianca likes ...

Over 280 Organizations Start the Year with Help from 4imprint® Nonprofit Grants

4imprint® awarded over 280 one by one® grants in the 1st quarter of 2019. These promotional products fo...

Amanda suggests ...

Budget giveaways to maximize your marketing dollar

No matter the size of your marketing budget, getting the most out of every penny is a top priority.

Suzanne describes ...

Chill out with cool summer swag

When the sun gets too hot, cooling summer swag can come to the rescue. These promotional fans, water bott...

Tiffany digs ...

Rebrand with help from high-quality promotional products

Covey Inc., a respite care and disability services provider, faced a daunting challenge when it decided t...

Angie recommends ...

3 places HR can use branding to make a big impact

Your company’s brand is essentially its reputation. And a positive reputation and brand identity can he...

Sarah recommends ...

Unique trade show display ideas to draw a crowd

Showcasing your company at a trade show or expo can help you attract new customers and prospects—a big ...

Matt suggests ...

Promotional giveaways reward customers to come back | 4imprint Learning Center

Catching attention is step one to increasing sales. Use contests, coupons, loyalty programs and promotion...

Sarah recommends ...

Get youth engaged in government with these ideas and student giveaways

As a public sector employee, you’re likely no stranger to the fact that government is a complicated ind...

How to make your mark with advertising giveaways

Promo items are more memorable than TV, magazine or online ads. In this edition of our Blue Papers®, we ...

Mae likes ...

Branded reusable straws—customers will drink them up!

Plastic straws are becoming a thing of the past. Hand out branded reusable straws to customers at trade s...

Melanie shares ...

Promotional drawstring bag giveaways perfectly reflect your brand

Make your brand shine. These promotional drawstring bag giveaways use reflective ink to catch attention a...

Amy discusses ...

Customers share popular promotional products

Check out our #Swagging Rights® page where customers share how popular promotional products help them ca...

Adam discusses ...

Promotional flashlight giveaways will make customers and prospects beam

Looking for a promotional item that will make your brand shine bright? Flashlight giveaways are a fun, af...

Amie suggests ...

Unique promotional giveaways help market to your community

Many of your customers can be found right outside your front door. Here are ideas and unique promotional ...

Anne recommends ...

amplify®, 4imprint’s Digital Magazine, Highlights Employee Recruitment Survey Results

The latest issue of amplify® details how companies are using promotional giveaway items to aid the inter...

Suzanne writes ...

Bluetooth® tech giveaways pair perfectly with your brand

Bluetooth® is all around us. Pair it with your brand and choose unique tech giveaways like combination B...

Sarah digs ...

amplify: Promotions to help you bounce into spring!

Our customers are using promotional balls to bounce into spring and catch #SwaggingRights in our Spring 2...

Jenn recommends ...

amplify: Spring 2019

Spring is the perfect time to revitalize your self-marketing program. Our newest issue of amplify® gives...

Embrace and build employees’ personal brands to strengthen yours

Your employees’ personal brands can affect your company’s brand—for the better. See how their conte...