Cindy recommends ...

4 quick tips to qualify trade show and event leads

Qualifying leads can save trade show exhibitors time and money. Use these tips and event giveaway ideas t...

Adam suggests ...

4 quick tips to qualify trade show and event leads – Canada

92% of trade show attendees want to check out new products. See if they’re a fit by qualifying leads wi...

Rebecca suggests ...

4 reasons to show supporters the love with donor thank-you gifts

Donor thank-you gifts express genuine appreciation and solidify relationships, which increases the chance...

Jayne writes ...

4 reasons to thank supporters with donor thank-you gifts – Canada

Express genuine appreciation for nonprofit supporters and solidify relationships with heartfelt donor tha...

Gail chooses ...

4 referral gift ideas to boost your customer referral program

Great incentives can encourage loyal clients to share what they already love about your business. Show yo...

Matt chooses ...

4 Seasonal Promotional Items to Make the Most of the Holidays

The hustle and bustle of the holidays will be here before you know it. Start planning now with these mark...

Andy likes ...

4 simple initiatives to help go green at work

Taking steps to reduce your organization’s carbon footprint and become more eco-friendly isn’t just g...

Andy writes ...

4 simple initiatives to help go green at work – Canada

These tips, coupled with ideas for environmentally friendly gifts, can jump-start your efforts to go gree...

Molly writes ...

4 simple tips for monetizing virtual events

When in-person gatherings and galas aren’t an option, you can still fundraise with an online get-togeth...

Jon writes ...

4 simple tips for monetizing virtual events – Canada

Take your in-person galas and gatherings online. We have tips for monetizing virtual events to raise fund...

Justin suggests ...

4 simple tips to change your mindset – Canada

When you encourage a growth mindset in your employees, you help them be better staff members. Learn how t...

Dan digs ...

4 simple ways to make New Year’s resolutions stick

As we turn the page to welcome a new year, many people are filled with fresh hopes and aspirations for be...

Matt describes ...

4 simple ways to make New Year’s resolutions stick – Canada

These yearly aspirations for change date back to ancient times when Babylonians, Romans and Medieval Euro...

Sarah recommends ...

4 small ways to leave a big impression using promotional items

First impressions are made in 7 seconds of meeting someone. Achieve success without spending a lot of mon...

Amy discusses ...

4 spring branded apparel ideas to help grow your brand

Spring is the perfect time to freshen up your promo closet. Find out what’s new in spring branded appar...

Adam suggests ...

4 spring branded apparel ideas to help grow your brand – Canada

From performance pullovers and vests to rain gear and golf shirts, 4imprint merchandising expert, Sara, s...

Megan describes ...

4 thoughtful tips for inclusive event planning

Make your trade show exhibit welcoming and accessible to presenters, exhibitors and attendees. We share 4...

Amanda discusses ...

4 thoughtful tips for inclusive event planning – Canada

Thoughtful planning can help ensure your exhibit is welcoming and accessible to everyone. We offer 4 help...

Jason recommends ...

4 tips and employee giveaways for a happy workplace

You can transform your workplace into a positive environment that people love. We offer employee giveaway...

Meghan describes ...

4 tips and employee giveaways for a happy workplace – Canada

Help employees look forward to work, keep their creative juices flowing and be more productive by giving ...

Sarah recommends ...

4 tips and healthcare giveaways to get patients into a routine

Routine care, screenings and immunizations play a crucial role in reducing the risk of illness. These 4 t...

Shaun describes ...

4 tips and healthcare giveaways to get patients into a routine – Canada

Routine care plays a role in reducing many types of illnesses and disabilities. These 4 tips and healthca...

Casey recommends ...

4 tips for a better hybrid shopping experience

Hybrid shopping is here to stay. Offer customers purchasing options to choose from by trying these tips t...

Robyn describes ...

4 tips for a better hybrid shopping experience – Canada

People are looking for hybrid shopping options to stay long after the pandemic is over. We share tips for...

Callie writes ...

4 tips for better customer service – Canada

Great customer care leads to a more successful business. Even on a budget, our tips for better customer s...