4imprint, LLC

| Updated: July 12, 2021 4 min read

Learning new skills requires the right mindset. Employees need to feel ready to start the process while remembering that setbacks can lead to growth. The process of moving forward without fear can be applied to nearly every kind of learning.

If you want to help your employees use their talents to learn and achieve more, we have some tips and training giveaways to help them develop a growth mindset.

Look at fear differently

Fear of failure can stifle employees’ desire to try new things. Help your employees get past this fear by having them:

  • Redefine failure: Instead of looking at the end goal as the only point of success, have them consider each step as a net gain to be celebrated.
  • Create approach goals: Have employees set goals around what they want to happen instead of what they don’t want to happen.
  • Build a fear list: By creating a list of risks vs. rewards for trying something new, they’ll be able to see the benefits ahead of time.
  • Focus on learning: Looking at what they’ll achieve by trying can help them push forward.

Act it out

Negative self-talk can sometimes manifest as negative self-truth. In other words, saying, “I can’t” turns into, “I won’t.” Remind staff that speaking positively can make a big difference. For example, saying, “I enjoy trying new challenges,” can encourage them to take on new responsibilities at work—or take up a personal hobby.

Stick to goals

When someone is trying to get more exercise or learn a new skill, it can become all too easy to put off starting until “tomorrow.” By scheduling (and keeping) workouts or signing up for (and attending) a workshop, your staff will stop procrastinating and soon find themselves taking steps toward their goals.

Checking on their progress with weekly, bi-weekly or monthly meetings can also provide time for you to offer support and encouragement. Giveaways can help get your message across. If they’re trying to exercise more, give them an activity tracker. Employees doing online learning may appreciate wireless ear buds.

Encourage mind health

Studies show chronic stress can create a 14% decrease in the part of the brain that handles memory. For employees to learn new things and perform at peak levels, it’s important they get at least seven hours of sleep each night and regularly exercise. Diet is important too. Encourage them to eat brain-friendly feeds, like nuts, fish and leafy vegetables. Giveaways like mixed nuts, an exercise band, or a sleep mask are sure to be appreciated.

New mindset, new opportunities

Using these tips to help change employees’ mindsets can provide growth opportunities, both personally and professionally. And by showing you believe in them, they’ll be more invested in improving your organization.