Your guide to 2021’s top executive gifts
Top executive gifts not only get you noticed now, but can leave a lasting impression later on. Stay a ste...
You’re invited! Take time to celebrate company events.
Studies have shown that happier employees are more productive employees. Celebrating company events is a ...
Workplace Distractions
This Blue Paper offers tips for organizations looking to minimize distractions at work by promoting effic...
Work uniform ideas for everyone on your team
Uniforms provide a consistent look, help customers feel comfortable approaching staff and increase brand ...
Work from Home Policies Encourage Telecommuting Success
Employees and employers alike can benefit from telecommuting. Work from home policies help ensure the tra...
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Honors 4imprint® with Exemplary Employer Award
Wisconsin Dept. of Workforce Developed named 4imprint an Exemplary Employer for employment practices faci...
Whoa! We’re halfway there: Staff appreciation gifts for mid-year
It’s important for employees to feel recognized and appreciated. Staff appreciation gifts, including sw...
What you can learn from candidates who don’t take the job – Canada
After crafting the perfect job listing, reading hundreds of resumes, performing multiple interviews and s...
What you can learn from candidates who don’t take the job
After crafting the perfect job listing, reading hundreds of resumes, performing multiple interviews and s...
What is upskilling? – Canada
Upskilling is teaching current employees new skills to better prepare them for future positions. We share...
What is upskilling?
Upskilling is training your employees to be ready for your industry's future. We share tips to help teamm...
What is Genius Hour? And how can it work in my classroom? – Canada
Are you asking yourself, “What is Genius Hour?” We share tips for this self-directed education method...
What is Genius Hour? And how can it work in my classroom?
If you’re asking yourself, “What is Genius Hour?” you’re not alone. We explain this self-directed...
Wellness prize ideas to get them stepping in a healthy direction
When wellness is a priority in the workplace, everyone wins. Get them stepping in the right direction wit...
Wellness in the Workplace-Trends to Trust
Trying to keep up with the latest workplace wellness trends? This Blue Paper® guides you through the hot...
Wellness giveaway ideas to promote employee health
Improving employee health and wellness can bring benefits to the entire organization. Encourage healthy h...
Welcome new employees with customized desk accessories and gifts
Custom desk accessories add a special touch to the onboarding process. Try one of these gifts for new emp...
Welcome new employees with custom desk accessories and gifts – Canada
Custom desk accessories are a thoughtful way to welcome new team members. Check out these gifts for new e...
Water bottle giveaways: It’s hip to be square
A surprising shape can make a favorite promotional item even more memorable. Square water bottle giveaway...
Walk & Talk: 4 considerations for thinking on your feet – Canada
When your team begins to hit a wall, it may be time to hit the pavement!
Walk & Talk: 4 considerations for thinking on your feet
Walking meetings are good for the body, mind and your business. Turn your next meeting into a walk and ta...
Volunteer recognition gifts thank those who revitalize coastal waters
ReClam the Bay supporters aren’t afraid of a little dirt and water. As a thank-you for their hard work,...
Volunteer recognition gifts salute those serving seniors
Davidson County Senior Services volunteers help older adults live independently. At an annual event, volu...
Valuable tips to help employees get fiscally fit – Canada
A survey showed that 42 percent of Canadians say money is their biggest cause of stress.
Valuable tips to help employees get fiscally fit
Money might make the world go ‘round, but it’s also a major stressor in many employees’ lives.