Alexis describes ...

Best tech giveaways to draw in a crowd

Here are five of the best tech giveaways for trade shows, including items like power banks, Bluetooth® s...

Sarah likes ...

Best travel tools for your trade show team

As your team heads across the country to introduce your products and services to potential customers, use...

Amy describes ...

Best travel tools for your trade show team – Canada

According to a recent 4imprint survey, more than 50% of companies that attend trade shows go to six or mo...

Andy suggests ...

Build brand awareness with memorable trade show bags

Impress your customers by giving them trade show bags full of branded swag.

Karri discusses ...

Build brand awareness with memorable trade show bags – Canada

Over 80% of product recipients say they're more likely to work with the company that gave it to them. Cre...

Tiffany suggests ...

Business giveaway ideas that will get your logo seen

Logos are typically the most recognized part of a business.

Andrea writes ...

Business giveaway ideas that will get your logo seen – Canada

An easily identifiable visual should remind people what your organization does and what you stand for.

Daryl writes ...

Captivate their senses—and interest—with a multisensory exhibit

The average consumer is exposed to nearly 10,000 brand messages per day.

Amy writes ...

Captivate their senses—and interest—with a multisensory exhibit – Canada

A study by Oxford University found that more than half of millennials feel increasingly disconnected from...

Sarah recommends ...

Capture attention and engage with mobile exhibits

Try a mobile exhibit to engage more with your audience, generate leads and boost sales. We offer ideas on...

Rebecca recommends ...

Creative trade show display ideas that will get people to stop

Just about every person who passes your booth at a trade show is a potential customer.

Andrea recommends ...

Creative trade show display ideas that will get people to stop – Canada

Stand apart from competitors with creative trade show display ideas and you’ll be sure to stop potentia...

Robert discusses ...

Data collection pro-tips to create better lead connections

While making an initial contact is essential for a relationship, following up is even more critical.

Maria writes ...

e-Books 101: How to create and distribute e-Books to better nurture leads – Canada

When leads want in-depth info, you can use e-books to educate and nudge them closer to the sale. We offer...

Alexis likes ...

Finding success with trade shows

This article offers tips for newbies on finding success with trade shows. Tips include developing checkli...

Angie suggests ...

Follow-up tools to turn trade show prospects into customers

According to a survey performed by 4imprint®, 76% of companies attend trade shows to generate leads.

Amy discusses ...

Follow-up tools to turn trade show prospects into customers – Canada

With the help of these four tools—and some memorable giveaways—you can connect with your leads and tu...

Kristi describes ...

Get results with guerilla marketing for trade shows

If you want to make a big impression with a limited budget, try these guerrilla marketing ideas for trade...

Lia writes ...

Get results with guerilla marketing for trade shows – Canada

If you want to make a big impression with a limited budget, try these guerrilla marketing ideas for trade...

Emily suggests ...

Get your team thinking creatively for future trade show ideas

A creative trade show exhibit helps generate more sales and leads because it stands out. We offer 5 ideas...

Matt shares ...

Get your team thinking creatively for future trade show ideas – Canada

If your team is trying to come up with trade show exhibit ideas so your business can stand out, we offer ...

Amanda shares ...

Go beyond the booth: A quick guide to seminar hosting

Try our sales presentation tips, paired with the best trade show swag ideas, to attract attention to your...

Sarah recommends ...

Go beyond the booth: A quick guide to seminar hosting – Canada

We've put together sales presentation tips and trade show swag ideas to help you be a success.

Gina writes ...

Helpful tips and unique trade show giveaways to make a connection

Build a presence they can’t ignore. These valuable tips and unique trade show giveaway ideas will draw ...

Jason shares ...

Helpful tips and unique trade show giveaways to make a connection – Canada

The majority of people who attend trade shows come with buying power. Draw in more leads with these valua...