Tiffany digs ...

Rebrand with help from high-quality promotional products

Covey Inc., a respite care and disability services provider, faced a daunting challenge when it decided t...

Sarah recommends ...

Refresh your marketing approach with promotional water bottle giveaways

From more sustainable options to old-school favorites, promotional water bottle giveaways make the cut. L...

Mark digs ...

Refresh your marketing approach with promotional water bottle giveaways – Canada

Giving your clients, employees and potential customers promotional water bottle giveaways is a great way ...

Melanie discusses ...

Refresh® coolers make the perfect branded corporate gift

Refresh® coolers are a great addition to your marketing lineup. This product line, available only at 4im...

Mae digs ...

Refresh® your promotional drinkware with this exclusive new lineup

Refresh® promotional drinkware gifts are sure to become a customer favorite. They’ll take these new mu...

Amy discusses ...

Relationship marketing made easy

Relationship marketing—the steps you take to build strong relationships with customers—should be an i...

Sarah recommends ...

Retro giveaways bring back the good old days

Bring back those good old days by adding a little nostalgia to your marketing mix. We have fun retro give...

Tiffany discusses ...

Retro promotional items to inspire a stroll down memory lane

Retro promotional items are a great way to establish an emotional connection. Vintage-inspired kitchen it...

Heidi recommends ...

Retro promotions bring back the good old days – Canada

Nostalgia is a powerful thing. Give customers and staff a fun blast from the past with help from fun retr...

Suzanne discusses ...

Reusable giveaways put your brand to work in the kitchen

Want your brand seen over and over? Offer customers and employees on-trend reusable giveaways for the kit...

Amie suggests ...

Rugby team tackles recruitment challenge with top promotional giveaways

The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Women’s Rugby Club was facing a major challenge: They needed to rec...

Liz discusses ...

Runs, school visits and date nights: How customers put useful promo items to work

From trekking the great outdoors to ringing a bell for students and staff, our customers share how they g...

Chelsea describes ...

Safely attract customers’ attention with contactless marketing – Canada

When in-person events are on hold, contactless marketing is a must to stay in front of customers. We offe...

Andrea discusses ...

Safety giveaways to help keep harm at bay

Education is one of the best ways to prevent injuries. Safety giveaways for employees, customers and the ...

Brian describes ...

Say goodbye to the annual performance appraisal – Canada

Is it time to say goodbye to the annual performance appraisal? Understand this business intelligence is k...

Rebecca writes ...

Say thanks and stay connected to your team

Loyal team members deserve a big round of applause. Show appreciation for all their hard work and dedicat...

Mark describes ...

Say thanks and stay connected to your team – Canada

Meaningful thank-you gifts for employees are a great way to show your loyal team you appreciate their har...

Tiffany discusses ...

Security promotional products to help protect their investments

Help customers and staff keep personal information and devices safe with security promotional products th...

Suzanne suggests ...

Seed packet giveaways for the great garden comeback

As the gardening trend heats up, more people are growing their own herbs and vegetables. Reach this growi...

Suzanne suggests ...

Send your best with The North Face promotional products

Give an exceptional gift when you co-brand with a winner in cold-weather gear. The North Face® promotion...

Sarah recommends ...

Serve up healthy eating habits with promotional items for wellness

Adding more fruits and veggies into our diets can make us look and feel great. But getting the daily reco...

Erika digs ...

Serving the Community, Not Just Customers

As you start your strategic planning for the coming year, consider adding service to your community to yo...

Adam describes ...

Serving the community, not just customers – Canada

If taking care of the customer is job one, taking care of the community may be job two.

Share the new you with branded promotional items

Ready to rebrand? Find out how to be successful in this latest Blue Papers® edition. We offer tips and b...

Sarah recommends ...

Share your message every day of the year

Calendars are regularly used at home and the office, becoming a major part daily life. Create lasting bra...