Amanda suggests ...

3 effective ways to digitally reach your constituents

Expand your social media reach by trying these tips on engaging with constituents.

Tiffany suggests ...

3 effective ways to digitally reach your constituents – Canada

Looking to widen your agency's social media reach? Check out these three simple and effective tips to eng...

Sam describes ...

3 sensible ways to reduce messaging fatigue

Messaging fatigue is real, but your communications can get through to constituents. We offer suggestions ...

Megan suggests ...

3 sensible ways to reduce messaging fatigue – Canada

Help your messages get through to constituents who are facing messaging fatigue . We offer suggestions ab...

Brian suggests ...

3 simple ways an outcome-based approach boosts citizen involvement

Show your community is made by the people and for the people. Take an outcome-based approach and motivate...

Shaun digs ...

3 simple ways an outcome-based approach boosts citizen involvement – Ca

Evidence that actions make a difference can spark immediate change from your community. Show how using ou...

Alysia describes ...

3 ways to prevent job burnout

Unmanaged stress can turn into job burnout. Check out these tips on preventing job burnout and how to use...

Amanda suggests ...

3 ways to prevent job burnout – Canada

Work/life balance and wellness activities are key to preventing job burnout. Read more about how wellness...

Whitney likes ...

4 easy ways to reach younger constituents

Millennials, or those born between 1981 and 1996, are becoming essential stakeholders in many communities...

Robert writes ...

4 easy ways to reach younger constituents – Canada

As the first generation raised on technology, different methods must be used to engage Millennials.

Justin suggests ...

4 simple tips to change your mindset – Canada

When you encourage a growth mindset in your employees, you help them be better staff members. Learn how t...

Rebecca digs ...

4 tips for successfully piloting new programs

Ready to pilot your newest program? These tips and participation gifts will help ensure the process is su...

Angie writes ...

4 tips for successfully piloting new programs – Canada

Putting together a pilot program? These tips and participation gifts will help ensure your success.

Mae describes ...

4 tips to promote a growth mindset

Encouraging your staff to use a growth mindset can help them be better teammates—and better people. Lea...

Sherry discusses ...

4 tips to promote local tourism

Tourism creates jobs, revenue and civic pride. Discover 4 ways to promote tourism, including using touris...

Mark suggests ...

4 tips to promote local tourism – Canada

Tourism has the potential to create both jobs and revenue. Explore 4 ways to promote tourism, including u...

Meghan shares ...

4 winning ways to entice startups to your community

More than 600,000 new businesses are formed every year—and many need a community to call home.

Angie recommends ...

4 winning ways to entice startups to your community – Canada

If you want to show startups that your area is a place they can thrive, try out these tips coupled with p...

Alexis writes ...

5 co-creation tips to build better citizen participation

When you offer a new service to your community, co-creation can enhance citizen participation as you unco...

Tiffany writes ...

5 creative ideas for parking lot utilization

Vast, empty parking lots can be quite useful for members of the community. Instead of letting them sit, w...

Adam shares ...

5 creative ideas for parking lot utilization – Canada

If your city has unused parking lots or even unused parking spots, we offer creative ideas for transformi...

Liz suggests ...

5 diverse hiring practices for your organization

Promote DEI in your agency with diverse hiring practices such as expanding your recruitment channels and ...

Zach shares ...

5 diverse hiring practices for your organization – Canada

Diverse hiring practices like training your interviewers and listening to candidate concerns can help you...

Rebecca writes ...

5 employee relocation tips to spark interest in your community

Living in the community can help government teams better understand it. Get employee relocation tips to c...

Cindy suggests ...

5 employee relocation tips to spark interest in your community – Canada

Living in a community can help government and agency staff better understand its nuances. These employee ...

Sarah recommends ...

5 memorable and creative ways to share critical government information

Dispel myths, clear up jargon and gain citizen buy-in with these creative ways to share government inform...

Sarah recommends ...

5 memorable and creative ways to share critical government information – Canada

Ensure citizen buy-in and clear up jargon when your government agency creatively shares critical informat...

Carol suggests ...

5 productivity tips to overcome distractions

Constant interruptions make it hard for your team to manage their workload. Help them stay focused with t...

Anne describes ...

5 productivity tips to overcome distractions – Canada

Provide productivity gifts to help your team avoid workplace interruptions.

Gina likes ...

5 public-sector telework best practices – Canada

Remote work is becoming more and more common. These telework best practices and giveaway ideas will help ...

Sarah recommends ...

5 telework best practices for the public sector

Telework best practices and tech promotional items for the public sectorEmail Subject Line: Government ne...

Jayne shares ...

5 tips for launching a government podcast

Reach your citizens in a new way. We share 5 tips you can implement today to help you successfully launch...

Danielle describes ...

5 tips for launching a government podcast – Canada

Connect with your citizens in a whole new way. We offer useful tips to help your public sector agency lau...

Carrie suggests ...

5 ways to engage staff in employee online training

Ongoing education and professional development are beneficial to everyone. We share tips to make employee...

Daryl writes ...

5 ways to engage staff in employee online training – Canada

Making training better for your staff creates a win for you and them. We share tips for improving the emp...

Barb chooses ...

5 ways to use public art to improve your community

Public art brings people together in a positive way. Thank community members for involvement in projects ...

Matt likes ...

5 ways to use public art to improve your community – Canada

Learn the benefits public art makes on communities and how creative giveaways can encourage community mem...

Tiffany suggests ...

6 tips for developing strong council leaders

Strengthen your team of leaders using these strategies and leadership gifts.

Amy describes ...

6 tips for developing strong council leaders – Canada

A council, board or committee with strong leaders is more productive and cohesive. Use these strategies a...

Meghan describes ...

6 ways to use text messaging for better staff and citizen communication

Improve staff and citizen communication via texting. We offer 6 ways text messaging can help you connect ...

Karla suggests ...

6 ways to use text messaging for better staff and citizen communication – Canada

Improve staff and citizen communication using text messages. We share 6 ways to use text messaging to con...

Amanda shares ...

7 simple ways to build a culture of learning in your organization

Learning at work boosts productivity and motivation. Here’s how to begin creating a culture of learning...

Sandy discusses ...

7 simple ways to build a culture of learning in your organization – Canada

Employees want to learn at work. Encourage their desire to grow with these tips for creating a learning c...

Cheryl writes ...

amplify®: Adopt-an-animal gift shows appreciation

Genesee County Animal Control gives adopt-an-animal gifts to show appreciation for people who adopt a dog...

Sherry shares ...

Attention-Winning Booth Display Ideas

Check out these attention-winning booth display ideas to promote your agency at your next job fair, busin...

Amanda likes ...

Body Camera Pros and Cons

This article discusses body camera pros and cons for government employees who face high-conflict situatio...

Shaun chooses ...

Boost morale with thoughtful ideas and recognition gifts for employees

Showing your gratitude to staff can build a stronger organization. We share tips for starting an apprecia...

Mark likes ...

Boost morale with thoughtful ideas and recognition gifts for employees – Canada

When staff know they’re appreciated, they often feel motivated to work harder. We have tips for buildin...

Jason writes ...

Branding your city—it’s more than a motto

Much the way you have to know what a product does before you can sell it, you must know the ins and outs ...

Emily writes ...

Branding your city—it’s more than a motto – Canada

City branding requires much more than just a motto.