Robert suggests ...

7 classroom exercise moves you need to know – Canada

Running a classroom takes a lot of work and can leave you feeling tired. Take a few minutes between class...

Andy describes ...

7 classroom exercise moves you need to know

Teachers work hard and maintain busy schedules. During the rare break times, treat them to the opportunit...

Amy suggests ...

School community gardens help cultivate healthy living skills

Gardening promotional products are a great way to garner support for school community gardens.

Adam suggests ...

School community gardens help cultivate healthy living skills – Canada

School community gardens are growing in popularity. Learn why schools are breaking ground and get tips to...

Kathi digs ...

Wellness giveaway ideas to promote employee health

Improving employee health and wellness can bring benefits to the entire organization. Encourage healthy h...

Andrea discusses ...

How to engage employees in workplace safety

Safety standards, specific to your industry, are important to help keep your workers safe.

Adam digs ...

How to engage employees in workplace safety – Canada

The key to a successful safety program is employee engagement.

Andrea likes ...

Essential self-care tips to refuel staff

Self-care should not be seen as an indulgence.

Zach digs ...

Essential self-care tips to refuel staff – Canada

Self-care is the deliberate actions people take to care for their mental, emotional and physical health.

Robert shares ...

Promote healthy aging with timeless tips and wellness giveaways – Canada

As of the 2016 census, the number of Canadians aged 65 and older was approximately 5.9 million, making up...

Kristi writes ...

Promote healthy aging with timeless tips and wellness giveaways

Tips on aging never get old … and there are many things patients can do to make the most of their golde...

Brian discusses ...

Enjoy a generous helping of nutrition tips with a side of healthy giveaways – Canada

The two most common weight loss strategies are healthy eating and exercise.

Molly writes ...

Enjoy a generous helping of nutrition tips with a side of healthy giveaways

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 40 percent of U.S. adults are obese.

Barbara recommends ...

3 excuses students have for not eating breakfast—and how to fix them – Canada

A study by the University of Waterloo found that 39 percent of Canadian students surveyed regularly skip ...

Sherry writes ...

3 excuses students have for not eating breakfast—and how to fix them

A survey of 500 teachers showed that students who skip breakfast lose two hours of learning per day due t...

Brenda digs ...

Improve employee health with a workplace fitness initiative – Canada

Kick your organization’s wellness plan into high gear!

Jenn describes ...

Improve employee health with a workplace fitness initiative

Help your employees get fit by incorporating physical activity into the workday. Hold a fitness challenge...

Dan digs ...

4 simple ways to make New Year’s resolutions stick

As we turn the page to welcome a new year, many people are filled with fresh hopes and aspirations for be...

Matt describes ...

4 simple ways to make New Year’s resolutions stick – Canada

These yearly aspirations for change date back to ancient times when Babylonians, Romans and Medieval Euro...

Daryl describes ...

Ergonomic basics to help keep employees in good form – Canada

Statistics Canada (PDF) reports that nearly two million Canadians suffer from some form of disabling repe...

Cory describes ...

Popular coping strategies to reduce employee stress – Canada

Stress is a factor in almost every workplace. In fact, 58 percent of Canadians say they are overworked, w...

Molly digs ...

Popular coping strategies to reduce employee stress

Offer your team stress relief giveaways to remind them how important it is to laugh, sleep and have a lit...

Sherry suggests ...

5 common concerns about virtual care and how to address them – Canada

Here are five of the biggest concerns users have with virtual care and how to overcome them using these t...

Whitney describes ...

5 common concerns about virtual care and how to address them

The stats are in, and they all point to virtual care. You may be surprised to learn 78 percent of patient...

Sarah shares ...

Wellness prize ideas to get them stepping in a healthy direction

When wellness is a priority in the workplace, everyone wins. Get them stepping in the right direction wit...