Angie discusses ...

Improve patient communication by identifying different personas – Canada

Provide better care for patients by understanding different personas and how to communicate with them. Fo...

Amie digs ...

amplify: Catching rides, catching attention

Learn how this Swag Master uses promotional giveaway items to catch attention while their customers catch...

Sarah recommends ...

Promotional mailers—new ideas on a marketing classic | 4imprint

In our digital world, a large space still exists for direct marketing. Try these tips and memorable promo...

Ryan shares ...

Make a promotional date with calendar giveaways

Despite all the digital calendar options, the sales of paper planners, appointment books and other calend...

Shaun writes ...

Powerful ways to close the sale – Canada

Want to help your sales team close more sales in the fastest, easiest way possible? We offer strategic id...

Suzanne discusses ...

5 powerful ways to close the sale

Trying to close a sale is both challenging and rewarding. We offer 5 powerful ways (plus sales gifts) to ...

Sarah likes ...

Giving a warm college send-off with branded blankets

The Heart of Appalachia Talent Search Program provides extra academic support and branded blankets inside...

Tiffany describes ...

4 ideas to help your sales team sell straight from the heart – Canada

Knowing your customers and giving good service is crucial for sales. We offer ideas plus promotional busi...

Jason discusses ...

4 ideas to help your sales team sell straight from the heart

Caring and personalized service can positively impact sales. We offer ideas and promotional business give...

Cheryl discusses ...

How water bottle giveaways boost confidence for underserved kids

Na’amat Canada Calgary helps kids who are living in a shelter feel normal and accepted. See how water b...

Cheryl writes ...

How tote bag giveaways help new moms in underserved communities

EveryMom Chicago is making a difference by stocking tote bag giveaways with supplies that provide a world...

Jason recommends ...

Four creative ways to thank customers

Showing appreciation can improve customer retention and your bottom line. Give thanks and build relations...

Tiffany discusses ...

Four creative ways to thank customers – Canada

Showing appreciation can help grow customer relationships and build loyalty. We offer meaningful customer...

Cheryl writes ...

Change Course—with help from backpack giveaways

It can be a challenge for people released from prison to successfully reenter society and establish a sta...

Cheryl discusses ...

Agency uses promotional stress relievers to market new program for kids

A behavioral health agency in western New York uses promotional stress relievers to market a new program ...

Dave chooses ...

amplify®: Spotlighting appreciation

The Dancer by Gina showed appreciation to audience members with a one-of-a-kind experience, using promoti...

Tiffany likes ...

amplify®: Rock ‘n’ roll day drives surge in sales

With rock ‘n’ roll ducks and themed promotional items as prizes, Wesco Turf drummed up higher sales a...