Amy discusses ...

Customers share popular promotional products

Check out our #Swagging Rights® page where customers share how popular promotional products help them ca...

Megan writes ...

Customers share how they’ve used popular promotional products – Canada

From fundraising incentives to client appreciation giveaways to staff retention gifts, our customers use ...

Yeng suggests ...

Customers share how they used promotional products – Canada

Giveaways let you connect and reconnect with clients. Our customers share stories of how their favourite ...

Sarah recommends ...

Customer appreciation gift ideas to ‘present’ your gratitude

Host VIP gatherings, send thank-you notes and give personalized customer appreciation gifts to demonstrat...

Shaun discusses ...

Custom trade show displays that will turn heads

Sarah, 4imprint’s authority on all things trade show, shares expert tips plus custom trade show display...

Yeng recommends ...

Custom promotional items let your brand do the talking

From the small details to the big picture, your brand is what makes your company unique. Consistently sha...

Amy likes ...

Create a strong, inspiring brand identity with logoed giveaways

Creating a brand identity to help retain staff and customer loyalty is more important than ever. We have ...

Gail digs ...

Create a strong inspiring brand identity using logoed giveaways – Canada

Creating a strong and trustworthy brand identity is critical to building loyal customers and staff. We ha...

Alexis suggests ...

Cool tool giveaways everyone will want!

Tool giveaways aren’t only practical, they bring a cool factor to your marketing efforts. Whether handi...

Sarah recommends ...

Cool promotional products for a relaxing vacation vibe

Looking for a way to bring chill vacation vibes to your marketing efforts? Try these cool promotional pro...