Cheryl shares ...

amplify®: Pouring out hope with fundraising tumblers

Bring Your Brokenness is a lifeline for people struggling with eating disorders. It sells fundraising tum...

Cheryl discusses ...

Charitable organization rewards supporters with promotional stainless steel water bottles

Ontario nonprofit rewards participants with promotional stainless steel water bottles to raise awareness ...

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Promotional travel mugs mark 25 years for nonprofit event

Indiana nonprofit thanks supporters using stainless-steel promotional travel mugs to celebrate the 25th a...

Cheryl writes ...

Championing the Down syndrome community by using fundraiser items

For people with Down syndrome, GiGi’s Playhouse spreads a message of acceptance, offers free educationa...

Cheryl shares ...

amplify®: Self-care bags for the healing journey

Oasis House offers hope and healing to those recovering from domestic violence, providing self-care bags ...

Cheryl writes ...

Nonprofit gives away promotional coolers at a motorcycle ride fundraiser

A nonprofit animal shelter in Spokane gives away unique backpack promotional coolers, as part of a basket...

Cheryl shares ...

From piggy banks to possibilities: Educational coloring books teach financial literacy

Young minds learn financial literacy, thanks to the Consumer Credit Counseling Service team. Educational ...

Cheryl writes ...

Tote bag giveaway supports mission to increase Canada’s leafy canopies

A tote bag giveaway from Trees for Life promotes the organization’s environmentally friendly mission to...

Cheryl discusses ...

Reusable giveaways serve up safety

A much anticipated event, the firefighter chili cookoff raises funds to help older adults across six citi...

Cheryl writes ...

Using promotional coloring books for safety education

Promotional coloring books on internet safety are an impactful surprise for young participants who engage...