Brian suggests ...

Lights. Camera. Action. Attract top talent using video and recruiting swag

These creative ways to attract top talent with recruiting swag will ensure you can find the best new hire...

Barb shares ...

You’re invited! Take time to celebrate company events.

Studies have shown that happier employees are more productive employees. Celebrating company events is a ...

Zach suggests ...

Jump start the new year with fitness promotional items

The new year is a great time to refocus on health and wellness. Help encourage employees on a quest for a...

Adam describes ...

5 reasons to give employees gifts that they’ll love

Sheldon Yellen, CEO of BELFOR Holdings, Inc., handwrites 7,400 birthday cards every year—one for each e...

Amie discusses ...

Improve your bottom line with workplace fun

Boost your company’s productivity by 12% by experiencing a little enjoyment—and by giving out fun swa...

Alysia shares ...

Promotional Kitchen Gadgets

Mae recently shared her thoughts on kitchen tool trends, many of which reflect retail trends seen in stor...

Sherry digs ...

Easy hacks for making stunning branded gift baskets

Branded gift baskets are just the thing to show customers you appreciate them. Get tips on assembling the...

Sarah shares ...

Wellness prize ideas to get them stepping in a healthy direction

When wellness is a priority in the workplace, everyone wins. Get them stepping in the right direction wit...

Andrea writes ...

Celebrate life’s big moments with personalized party gifts

Throw a party that won’t soon be forgotten. From new babies to graduations to weddings, make those majo...

Cindy recommends ...

HR insider’s guide to choosing useful promotional items

Looking for the perfect gift to celebrate employee milestones? Or a useful promotional item to hand out a...

Kristi suggests ...

Logoed wear to help get the job done

Logoed wear is a valuable tool that helps get the job done. Check out what 4imprint’s apparel expert, S...

Embrace and build employees’ personal brands to strengthen yours

Your employees’ personal brands can affect your company’s brand—for the better. See how their conte...

Angie recommends ...

3 places HR can use branding to make a big impact

Your company’s brand is essentially its reputation. And a positive reputation and brand identity can he...

Sarah describes ...

amplify: Coming together over a cup of coffee

Swag masters know branded giveaways unite teams. Our summer amplify® issue shows how a newly designed lo...

Andy recommends ...

amplify: Supporting our valued veterans

Searching for ways to connect with local veterans? Try pairing these tactics with military giveaways to s...

Sam suggests ...

Branded Promotional Products Take on Cancer

Watch how Wisconsin Badgers® men’s basketball coach Greg Gard raises funds to fight cancer with the he...

Erika describes ...

Inspire Team Spirit at Home with Branded Gifts – Canada

Right now, most of us are staying home. But these tips and branded gifts can keep the team spirit alive d...