Amanda recommends ...

The pros and cons of peer performance reviews

Many businesses are interested in switching to peer performance reviews rather than traditional reviews b...

Whitney recommends ...

The pros and cons of peer performance reviews – Canada

If you are wondering if peer performance reviews would be a good idea for your business, learn the pros a...

Meghan suggests ...

The state of team building 2018: Team-building trends and tips

Discover top ways to encourage teamwork using team-building gifts like apparel, drinkware and more. You�...

Sarah describes ...

Top meeting giveaways and more to improve team meetings

Better meetings mean better communication and employee engagement. We offer helpful ideas plus top meetin...

Cheryl writes ...

Tote bag gifts connect young volunteers

Led by youth for youth, The McCreary Centre Society empowers young people to improve their peers’ healt...

Sherry suggests ...

Useful giveaways new hires can put to work on the job

New hires will be excited to jump into their new roles and ready to tackle their task list when welcomed ...

Kathi digs ...

Wellness giveaway ideas to promote employee health

Improving employee health and wellness can bring benefits to the entire organization. Encourage healthy h...