Brian describes ...

Say goodbye to the annual performance appraisal – Canada

Is it time to say goodbye to the annual performance appraisal? Understand this business intelligence is k...

Amy shares ...

5 creative ways to use pen giveaways

Pen giveaways top the list of useful promotional products. Get ideas on using them for employee training,...

Sarah writes ...

Increase Job Satisfaction by Building Relationships at Work

The average American spends more time with his or her coworkers than with family or friends.

Pam likes ...

How to Sneak Activity into Sedentary Work for Healthy Employees

Sitting for long periods is detrimental to employee fitness and health. Learn several ways to sneak activ...

Sarah writes ...

Remote Employee Gifts that are Great for Engagement

With more people working remotely than ever, it’s important make remote workers feel involved. We offer...

Sarah discusses ...

3 health and wellness giveaways to jump start your wellness program

Launching and maintaining an employee wellness program takes effort, but the benefits add up. Health and ...

Adam chooses ...

5 Ways to Celebrate Employee Anniversaries – Canada

Celebrating employee anniversaries is a great way to improve employee engagement. Explore 5 employee anni...

Tiffany shares ...

5 Ways to Celebrate Employee Anniversaries

Celebrating employee anniversaries improves employee engagement. Explore 5 employee anniversary gift idea...

Amanda recommends ...

5 positive conflict resolution strategies

Unresolved conflict wreaks havoc on employee health, morale and productivity. Check out these tips to res...

Matt suggests ...

How training giveaways can help with conflict resolution strategies – Canada

Unresolved conflict wreaks havoc on employee health, morale and productivity. Check out these tips that c...

Sarah chooses ...

How to Promote Workplace Wellness with Fitness Giveaways

Sitting disease is a real threat to sedentary employees. Promote movement and overall workplace health wi...

Barb shares ...

You’re invited! Take time to celebrate company events.

Studies have shown that happier employees are more productive employees. Celebrating company events is a ...

Daryl discusses ...

Simple ways you can better the employee experience – Canada

While employee engagement comes from the top down, employee experience is bottom up.

Shaun writes ...

Simple ways you can better the employee experience

Employee engagement seems to be the buzzword as companies strive to recruit and retain staff.

Matt writes ...

The new flexible work schedule: making the switch from where to when

A flexible work schedule is no longer considered just working from home—now, it’s about deciding when...

Yeng writes ...

The new flexible work schedule: Making the switch from where to when – Canada

Allowing your team to decide when they want to work is a great way to make them want to stay. We offer id...

Tiffany chooses ...

How to balance flexible work arrangements and productivity

Flexible schedules are now a need-to-have in every office. We share tips plus discuss the relationship be...

Alexis discusses ...

How to balance flexible work arrangements and productivity – Canada

Make flexible schedules work for your organization. We offer tips that combine flexible work arrangements...

Erika discusses ...

amplify®: Building stronger connections

Charting the course to connectedness during a week-long team event, promotional products distributor 4imp...