4imprint, LLC

| Updated: February 10, 2021

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Check out the amplify®  fall 2019 issue (PDF) in your web browser!


Featured articles

Screen Shot of Cover Story: Nurturing nonprofit connections - ideas for memorable giveawaysCover Story: Nurturing nonprofit connections

Struggling to find sponsors for your next nonprofit fundraiser? See how nonprofit giveaways can help you connect to companies.


Screen Shot of Overheard story: Promotional mugs are a top giveaway item for business

Overheard: Promotional mugs are great for business

Our customers are using these promotional mugs to hold beverages and grab #SwaggingRights®. Discover how these mugs make branding opportunities and gift baskets.

Screen shot of Product Highlight story: Promotional blankets for every occasion

Product Highlight: Promotional blankets for every occasion

Not all blanket giveaways are the same. Learn how to choose the right promotional blanket fabric and construction for the car, the couch and the campfire.

screen shot of Lasting Impression story: A look back over 5 years - memorable giveawaysLasting Impression: A look back over 5 years

We check in on organizations previously featured in amplify that used popular promotional items to make connections. Read the story that came after the story.

screen shot of Swag Master story: Creativity for a causeSwag Master: Creativity for a cause

Swag Masters turn artistic promotional water bottles into community success. See how they raised funds, awareness and participation with artistically branded drinkware.

Trend story: Creating customer connections with holiday swag - Top giveaways for any holidayTrend: Creating customer connections with holiday swag

Turn holidays into connections. See how you can turn parties and holiday swag into fun customer interactions.

screen shot of Remarkable Moments story: Warm fuzzies to leave memorable giveawaysRemarkable Moments: Warm fuzzies

Find out how the Kzoo Cat Café & Rescue used blanket giveaways to thank the volunteers who care for kitties waiting to find a forever home.


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