Pam chooses ...

5 things to consider in your return-to-work plan – Canada

Developing a return-to-work plan as the country reopens may present a number of challenges. We offer tips...

Chee recommends ...

5 tips for providing excellent virtual healthcare for patients

Offer great virtual healthcare with helpful tips like advertising your services efficiently and providing...

Kathi describes ...

5 tips for providing excellent virtual healthcare for patients – Canada

Virtual healthcare tips like advertising your services efficiently and providing technology training can ...

Cindy describes ...

5 ways reduce distractions at work and improve employee focus

Distractions at work raise stress and lower productivity. We offer 5 tips to help employees maintain focu...

Mae writes ...

5 ways reduce distractions at work and improve employee focus – Canada

Emails, text messages, phone calls and office chatter. Maintaining focus in today’s work environment is...

Tiffany recommends ...

5 workplace wellness ideas to engage remote employees

Forming small accountability groups and offering free fitness subscriptions are workplace wellness ideas ...

Daryl describes ...

5 workplace wellness ideas to engage remote employees – Canada

If you’re wondering how you can encourage remote employees to stay engaged, try our workplace wellness ...

Erika likes ...

5 workplace wellness ideas to get employees moving – Canada

Use these workplace wellness ideas to get your staff moving—and improve their productivity.

Andy describes ...

7 classroom exercise moves you need to know

Teachers work hard and maintain busy schedules. During the rare break times, treat them to the opportunit...

Robert suggests ...

7 classroom exercise moves you need to know – Canada

Running a classroom takes a lot of work and can leave you feeling tired. Take a few minutes between class...

Sherry recommends ...

amplify: G-Vegas Striders Claim #SwaggingRights

Meet the G-Vegas Striders, our 2017 #SwaggingRights contest winners for its creative and effective use of...

Josh likes ...

amplify: On Your Mark, Get Set, Giveaways!

Planning a race this year? Get ideas for the perfect giveaways for runners, cheering crowds and organizer...

Andrea shares ...

amplify: Rewriting the Story

See how one county is rewriting the future for teens in crisis. A simple promotional pen, nicknamed Peppy...

Cheryl describes ...

amplify®: Bucket list travel

MBC Travelers, a group of travel enthusiasts with end-stage breast cancer, take bucket-list trips while b...

Angie suggests ...

amplify®: How to support employee mental health

From building team camaraderie to leading by example, here are ways organizations can support employee me...

Adam discusses ...

amplify®: Win with wellness

Wellness programs create big wins! See how one company is using themed challenges and wellness program gi...

Amanda likes ...

Best promotional giveaways for a healthy start to the year

Start the year off right with a focus on health and wellness. See some of the best promotional giveaways ...

Tiffany likes ...

Creative employee recognition ideas for a digital world

The world has become more digital—and so can your gratitude. These creative employee recognition ideas ...

Gina likes ...

Creative employee recognition ideas for a digital world – Canada

As the world becomes increasingly digital, so must the way we express gratitude to our team. Creative emp...

Cassidy shares ...

Customers share tips: How to use promotional products

Get giveaway ideas. Customer share stories and tips on how to use promotional products to create team uni...

Cheryl discusses ...

Cycling change: How bicycles and promotional bike water bottles make an impact

A nonprofit cycling shop is using bicycle donations to build strong communities. Promotional bike water b...

Rebecca discusses ...

Elementary ways to help improve teachers’ work-life balance

Heavy workloads are negatively influencing teacher motivation and wellbeing. Help them strike a better wo...

Molly writes ...

Enjoy a generous helping of nutrition tips with a side of healthy giveaways

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 40 percent of U.S. adults are obese.

Brian discusses ...

Enjoy a generous helping of nutrition tips with a side of healthy giveaways – Canada

The two most common weight loss strategies are healthy eating and exercise.

Zach recommends ...

Ensure your team’s wellness plan is on track with employee health and fitness promotional ideas

It’s time to reassess your workplace health and wellness goals. Ensure everyone is on the right track w...