Cheryl shares ...

Career day giveaways help make Manufacturing Day a success

Lawrence County Economic Growth Council brings awareness to various careers in manufacturing. Career day ...

Sarah recommends ...

Fall into fashion using branded apparel ideas for autumn

Refresh your branded apparel closet with autumn-inspired jackets, hoodies and sweatshirts. Merchandising ...

Danielle digs ...

4imprint® Recognized for Second Consecutive Year on Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing™

Promotional products retailer 4imprint honored with a 2023 best place to work award from Fortune Best Wor...

Cheryl discusses ...

Cycling change: How bicycles and promotional bike water bottles make an impact

A nonprofit cycling shop is using bicycle donations to build strong communities. Promotional bike water b...

Sarah recommends ...

The best gifts for employees: Items they’ll hang on to well into the new year

The best gifts for employees have meaning. From branded bags for travelers to outerwear for nature enthus...

Shaun likes ...

Make spirits bright using holiday promotional items

Surprise and delight your team members with seasonal promotional products that encourage them to celebrat...

Sarah recommends ...

Getting remote workers together: Tips and employee giveaway ideas that promote unity and success

It can be difficult to build camaraderie and a sense of team when your employees are mostly (or totally) ...

Matt likes ...

4imprint® Honored with Vets Ready Employer Award for Third Consecutive Year

Promotional products retailer 4imprint honored with Vets Ready Employer Award for third consecutive year ...

Cheryl describes ...

Rising to the rescue: How an emergency organization stays visible by using jacket giveaways

In areas with limited emergency resources, Rock Hill Ambulance Corp. provides fast aid for 911 calls. Jac...

Dan digs ...

Celebrate a successful year with gifts for your team

A successful business year calls for unique gifts for employees. Choose items that will leave an impact, ...

Sarah recommends ...

How to create a gratitude experience with the help of customer and employee thank-you gifts

When a customer or employee thank-you gift involves an experience, it can make a memorable impression tha...

Adam recommends ...

Workplace wellness ideas to instill a culture of care

From stress reduction tips to fun challenges and corporate wellness gifts, transform your organization’...

Shaun recommends ...

Strategies and employee incentive gifts to help team members crush professional development goals

Motivating strategies, coupled with creative employee incentive gifts, can inspire and motivate team memb...

Robert shares ...

Recruitment giveaway ideas potential hires will love

From offering on-the-job experience to creating social media buzz, there are countless ways to attract ne...

Erika discusses ...

amplify®: Building stronger connections

Charting the course to connectedness during a week-long team event, promotional products distributor 4imp...

Adam suggests ...

amplify®: Workplace contest ideas that motivate and engage

From sports tournaments to tie-dye competitions, workplace contest ideas build team bonds, increase engag...

Suzanne digs ...

amplify®: Hoodies for employees win workwear wardrobes

Find hoodies for employees that blend style, comfort and functionality for a variety of workplaces and po...

Shaun likes ...

Show the love with unique client gifts that promote self-care

Brighten customers’ days and encourage them to take care by giving unique client gifts that promote res...

Anabel digs ...

5 thoughtful appreciation gifts for teachers

Meaningful appreciation gifts for teachers help them feel special and recognized. In our annual update, w...

Andrea digs ...

amplify®: Volunteer giveaways to the rescue

The nonprofit food rescue organization Rescuing Leftover Cuisine uses volunteer giveaways to recruit new ...

Dave shares ...

amplify®: Bellmont Bucks buy branded swag for employees

To show recognition and appreciation, Bellmont Cabinet Co. awards team members with “Bellmont Bucks” ...

Cheryl shares ...

Volunteer recognition gifts thank those who revitalize coastal waters

ReClam the Bay supporters aren’t afraid of a little dirt and water. As a thank-you for their hard work,...

Cheryl describes ...

amplify®: Talent show T-shirts foster unity

Ericson Elementary School outfits student performers in talent show T-shirts, creating a stronger sense o...

Meghan discusses ...

Employee gift and event ideas to bring co-workers together

Create workplace joy outside the office with enjoyable team gatherings. Surprise employee gifts are a gre...

Adam recommends ...

Plan exciting experiences that get remembered with help from team-building gifts

Employees and organizations can reap benefits from team building. The right activities, plus team-buildin...