Gina digs ...

Nurse burnout – Canada

This article offers tips for healthcare organizations looking to manage the rising incidence of nurse bur...

Amanda discusses ...

Motivate employees with improved performance reviews – Canada

A mere 6 percent of organizations think their performance review process is worthwhile, according to rece...

Shaun likes ...

Make spirits bright using holiday promotional items

Surprise and delight your team members with seasonal promotional products that encourage them to celebrat...

Sarah recommends ...

Local sports sponsorships for healthcare organizations: Types, tips and benefits – Canada

Local sports sponsorships have more to offer than community goodwill. They can also get more eyes on your...

Daryl discusses ...

Let’s celebrate: How to make special occasions even better with staff appreciation gifts – Canada

There’s always a reason to party! Celebrating special occasions helps your team feel bonded and valued....

Amy recommends ...

Leave the car at home: Promote alternative ways to get to work – Canada

Get tips on encouraging people to leave their cars at home using branded promotional gifts to support you...

Brenda digs ...

Improve employee health with a workplace fitness initiative – Canada

Kick your organization’s wellness plan into high gear!

Sarah recommends ...

Hybrid Workforces: Continuing the blended work model – Canada

As many companies transition to a hybrid workforce, you may be wondering how to make this process easier ...

Matt suggests ...

How training giveaways can help with conflict resolution strategies – Canada

Unresolved conflict wreaks havoc on employee health, morale and productivity. Check out these tips that c...

Meghan recommends ...

How to train good employees to be great managers – Canada

Looking to build leaders in your organization? See how to coach good employees to be great managers with ...

Sarah recommends ...

How to support employees at work and at home – Canada

Your business is likely to benefit when you help staff at work and at home. We share tips on how to suppo...

Karla discusses ...

How to retain talent: Ideas and employee recognition gifts to re-recruit top staff – Canada

When staff feel seen, heard and understood, they’re more likely to stay with your company. We offer ide...

Emily discusses ...

How to provide excellent customer service—even when you’re short-staffed – Canada

Even when you’re short-staffed, customers will still expect good service. We offer helpful ideas on how...

Sarah chooses ...

How to Promote Workplace Wellness with Fitness Giveaways

Sitting disease is a real threat to sedentary employees. Promote movement and overall workplace health wi...

Erin likes ...

How to make small internal changes for nonprofit growth – Canada

Find creative ideas for small internal changes that lead to big nonprofit growth using what you already h...

Tiffany discusses ...

How to Inspire Good Organizational Culture – Canada

Want to improve employee relations, lower stress and promote knowledge sharing? Learn how a good organiza...

Cindy describes ...

How to improve employee surveys – Canada

Get more responses—plus better data—with effective surveys. We offer 8 ideas and best practices to he...

Casey discusses ...

How to improve employee satisfaction with a people-first company culture – Canada

Increase employee satisfaction by building a people-first company culture where staff are encouraged to l...

Alexis describes ...

How to Find Your Social Mission – Canada

Being a socially responsible business doesn’t just feel good; it’s also good for your bottom line. Le...

Adam digs ...

How to engage employees in workplace safety – Canada

The key to a successful safety program is employee engagement.

Amy discusses ...

How to encourage staff to generate new ideas – Canada

Help your team improve your organization by thinking of fresh ideas, enhanced processes and more. We disc...

Maria describes ...

How to conduct fair performance reviews – Canada

Knowing how to conduct fair performance reviews that are unbiased and helpful to your team can grow your ...

Amy recommends ...

How to build buzz about public safety programs – Canada

65 percent of people are more likely to stay home after dark when they feel unsafe.

Alexis discusses ...

How to balance flexible work arrangements and productivity – Canada

Make flexible schedules work for your organization. We offer tips that combine flexible work arrangements...

Tiffany recommends ...

Help teaching staff make the most of time out of the classroom – Canada

Teaching staff members put in long hours, without typical vacation days, during the school year. Help the...