Chee recommends ...

Platform Overload—Choosing the Right Social Media Sites for Business

Social media for companies—it’s often difficult to choose where to put your efforts. Check out 5-step...

Barbara recommends ...

Pledge cards, donation forms and remit envelopes: Getting the most from your fundraising materials

True, these materials may be second only to “the ask,” but pledge cards, donation forms and remittanc...

Molly digs ...

Popular coping strategies to reduce employee stress

Offer your team stress relief giveaways to remind them how important it is to laugh, sleep and have a lit...

Cory describes ...

Popular coping strategies to reduce employee stress – Canada

Stress is a factor in almost every workplace. In fact, 58 percent of Canadians say they are overworked, w...

Cindy recommends ...

Popular drinkware promotional giveaways make a marketing splash

4imprint’s drinkware guru, Mae, tells what’s good for sipping. Top-trending drinkware makes a perfect...

Sarah recommends ...

Popular promotional items that will earn you #SwaggingRights

With thousands of promotional products to choose from and just as many ways to use them, picking just the...

Amanda digs ...

Popular promotional items to inspire your next marketing campaign

We have the promo products. You have the great ideas. Find inspiration for your next campaign by seeing h...

Michelle shares ...

Power up your promotions with custom charging cables

Universal chargers are the perfect modern giveaway. Custom charging cables for Android®, iPhone® and mi...

Shaun writes ...

Powerful ways to close the sale – Canada

Want to help your sales team close more sales in the fastest, easiest way possible? We offer strategic id...

Jason shares ...

Practical logoed tools that give back at home and on the road

Promotional tools can be practical for at home and on the road. We offer handy ideas, like multitools, fl...