Welcome aboard
We LOVED this swag bag and all the fun items included. But when we found out it was a new-hire gift for a plumbing, heating and cooling company, we were blown away! See why Gallagher’s is being honored with the Swag Master title.
Set a tone
Starting a new job can be stressful and overwhelming. Welcome bags are a perfect employee gift to set a positive tone and let new employees know they are a part of a great team.
Stand out
Few companies in the trades offer a new hire gift to new team members. Gallagher’s saw this as a way to differentiate themselves and possibly help attract other prospective candidates in their field.
Make an impression
What promotional products should make up a new-employee gift? Gallagher’s chose a winning combination of fun and useful items for their “Welcome aboard” swag bags. While including some traditional items—for instance, a tote and water bottle—they selected stylish and trendy versions that made a great first impression.
Be unexpected
Nobody comes to work on their first day anticipating presents. That’s what makes these new-hire gifts so great. The best gifts are always the ones you’re not expecting! And the reactions Gallagher’s has gotten from new team members make it all worth it.