Sarah shares ...

4imprint Grants Help More Than 600 Organizations Make Greater Impacts

4imprint’s one by one® program provided more than 600 4imprint grants for promo products in Q2 of 2022...

Rebecca discusses ...

Take collaborations to the next level with influencer giveaways – Canada

Enjoy even greater brand reach and engagement when you take influencer collaborations to the next level. ...

Kongcheng recommends ...

Fall fashion giveaways to warm their hearts—and bodies! – Canada

From jackets to blankets, fall giveaways make customers, prospects and staff want to cozy up with your br...

Pam likes ...

Logoed promotional items for nonprofits drive self-esteem and appreciation – Canada

From funding nonprofits to supporting people overcoming tough times to providing a fresh start, free prom...

Ryan describes ...

How to use digital giveaways to stand out online – Canada

In a crowded online world, it can be difficult to for your brand to stand out. We offer suggestions on us...

Tiffany writes ...

Holiday gifts for the home: Heartfelt rewards they’ll share with loved ones – Canada

Make an impression on clients and staff with holiday gifts for home. Merchandising expert Mae shares her ...

Andy discusses ...

From fun and games to everyday essentials: Ways our customers use the best promotional products – Canada

Our customers share the creative ways they’ve used their best promotional products, from celebrating wi...

Kathi suggests ...

How to develop branding essentials to help grow your audience – Canada

Defined branding essentials, like a vision and mission statement, company culture and brand voice, can he...

Yeng discusses ...

From hats and mugs to outdoor gear: Ways our customers use top promotional products – Canada

From promotional mugs and hats to gifts for the great outdoors, our customers use a variety of popular gi...

Angie suggests ...

4 fun giveaway ideas and way to make them laugh – Canada

Help employees, prospects and clients feel like your brand is even more approachable by incorporating hum...