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How to use customer advocacy to create customer advocates – Canada

When you need customer advocates, start with customer advocacy. We share ways to care for citizens that�...

Adam describes ...

How to thrive during a recession – Canada

Knowing how to thrive during a recession is a lot like knowing how to thrive during economic booms. We sh...

Amanda writes ...

How to repurpose content to reel in more leads, get double duty and more – Canada

Whether you have a website full of valuable content or just a few pieces, repurposing your content saves ...

Debra writes ...

How to reach your target audience with the perfect customer giveaway ideas – Canada

If you’re looking for ways to reach your target audience, we offer the best customer giveaway ideas to ...

Amy describes ...

How to polish up virtual sales calls: tips for before, during and after – Canada

If your sales team is trying to polish their approach to virtual sales calls, we offer ideas to build rap...

Angie likes ...

How to pick the best promotional travel mug

With so many promotional travel mug options, how do you decide which one makes the best giveaway? Our com...

Cory suggests ...

How to optimize your website for voice search – Canada

Half of all internet searches will be voice prompted by 2020. Make sure your website can be found easily ...

Erika likes ...

How to leverage emerging social media for business – Canada

Being an early adopter of new social platforms can pay off big. Learn about the latest apps to utilize so...

Amanda describes ...

How to launch a student book club – Canada

Book clubs can be a great way to get students excited about reading. Set the stage for fun with these hel...

Tiffany describes ...

How to improve customer relationships by focusing on details – Canada

The little details can make all the difference with your clients. We share tips on how to improve custome...