Sarah recommends ...

Creative promotional products to get employees’ and customers’ creative juices flowing

Help clients and staff think innovatively with design contests, art retreats and more, plus the best crea...

Laura writes ...

The best giveaway ideas to make a positive first impression

A good first impression can make all the difference. We offer the best giveaway ideas for new employees, ...

Emily discusses ...

Stand out with unique giveaway ideas that are sure to bring smiles

A promo product that’s out of the ordinary can help your business stand out from the crowd. We offer fu...

Elizabeth suggests ...

Stand out with unique giveaway ideas that are sure to bring smiles – Canada

Surprising customers with unique giveaway ideas like colour-changing products, toys and games can set you...

Justin discusses ...

Practical promotional giveaways your customers and staff will put to good use – Canada

Practical promotional giveaways are more likely to have staying power. We offer ideas for useful giveaway...