Amanda suggests ...

Budget giveaways to maximize your marketing dollar

No matter the size of your marketing budget, getting the most out of every penny is a top priority.

Sarah recommends ...

Build strong teams using promotional products for fitness

Reap the benefits of a healthier office! Try these tips and promotional products for fitness such as pedo...

Carrie shares ...

Building a strong business foundation – Canada

The saying “reap what you sow” still applies to businesses today. We offer ideas on how to build a st...

Chelsea digs ...

Calendar giveaways to get organized

When it comes to staying organized, sometimes old school is best. Calendaring is an effective way to keep...

Linda recommends ...

Calendar giveaways: Leave an impression that lasts month after month – Canada

Stand out from the crowd! Calendar giveaways leave an impression that lasts month after month (literally)...

Andrea writes ...

Celebrate life’s big moments with personalized party gifts

Throw a party that won’t soon be forgotten. From new babies to graduations to weddings, make those majo...

Kathi writes ...

Charities unleash the power of their promotional products grants!

As a way to give back, every business day 4imprint awards two $500 gifts of promotional products to deser...

Cheryl chooses ...

Cheer your team to victory with sports promotional items

An engaged crowd can make a great game even better. Pass around these sports promotional items for a memo...

Meghan describes ...

Choose promotional products with these helpful staff tips

Hassle-free ordering awaits when you shop at 4imprint. Hear useful tips from our seasoned staff to order ...

Amie describes ...

Choose the best way to make your mark on promotional products

Depending on material and design, each imprinted promotional product has a preferred way to get your logo...