Sarah discusses ...

Advantageous ways AI can power up customer interactions – Canada

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in customer service is on the rise, and it’s likely more common...

Tiffany likes ...

Best tech giveaways to draw in a crowd – Canada

Technology dominates most people’s lives, and according to a 2017 promotional products industry year in...

Amy describes ...

Best travel tools for your trade show team – Canada

According to a recent 4imprint survey, more than 50% of companies that attend trade shows go to six or mo...

Andy describes ...

Better your hiring process using remote interviews – Canada

Virtual interviews are convenient and affordable, saving both recruiters and recruits time, money and ene...

Amanda writes ...

Bite-size ads keep them coming back for more – Canada

A quick laugh. A heart-tugging moment. A fabulous feature. You can choose to highlight any one of these t...

Amanda suggests ...

Boost your recruitment efforts with employee referral rewards – Canada

Employee referral programs can save companies time, money and effort. Check out these tips for success us...

Amanda digs ...

Branding with emotion: If you build it, they will buy – Canada

Stand out from the competition with a marketing strategy that makes real, lasting connections. Here are a...

Gail describes ...

Bring cheer to customers this holiday season – Canada

As the year comes to a close, knowing how to delight customers during the holiday season can make them fe...

Kristi likes ...

Bring on the fun with novelty giveaways – Canada

4imprint novelty expert, Rebecca, gives the scoop on what’s fun and trending in the novelty giveaway ca...

Karri discusses ...

Build brand awareness with memorable trade show bags – Canada

Over 80% of product recipients say they're more likely to work with the company that gave it to them. Cre...