Brian digs ...

Plan, promote and party: A guide to planning internal company events

Planning an internal company event for the first (or tenth) time can be a challenge. We offer event plann...

Chee recommends ...

Platform Overload—Choosing the Right Social Media Sites for Business

Social media for companies—it’s often difficult to choose where to put your efforts. Check out 5-step...

Share the new you with branded promotional items

Ready to rebrand? Find out how to be successful in this latest Blue Papers® edition. We offer tips and b...

Andy shares ...

Sharing Economy

This Blue Paper describes the sharing economy and offers tips for organizations looking to take advantage...

Storytelling strategies to make your brand’s story a best-seller

PR practitioners have a toolbox full of storytelling strategies. This Blue Paper provides narration tips ...

Amy describes ...

Subscription-based Services

This Blue Paper features the rise of subscription-based services as business planning.

Swag bags for events make a long-lasting impression

These six tips on creating swag bags for events can help you select the best bag and the ideal swag to ma...

Gail writes ...

Text Analytics

This Blue Paper discusses text analytics, what it is and why it matters. The paper also analyzes differen...

Matt recommends ...

The Science of Successful Brand Storytelling in Marketing

When it comes to successful Brand storytelling in marketing, there is a proven science. This Blue Paper w...

Trending giveaways to help you kick off the new year

Stay on top of business trends to keep your brand current. Trending giveaways in technology and sustainab...