Sarah writes ...

6 tips for how to communicate important news internally

Continuously improving your company’s internal communication strategy can provide many benefits to your...

Sam describes ...

6 tips for how to communicate important news internally – Canada

Help ensure employees feel valued and don’t miss important news when you continuously improve your inte...

Casey digs ...

amplify: Mergers and Acquisitions

October 2016 was the busiest month in history for domestic mergers and acquisitions. Build brand loyalty ...

Adam recommends ...

amplify®: The benefits of showing gratitude

Stronger bonds, improved morale and deeper loyalty are a few of the many powerful benefits of showing gra...

Amy describes ...

Clever welcoming ideas to warmly receive new hires

Being the new kid in the neighborhood, at school or on the job is difficult.

Andrea writes ...

Clever welcoming ideas to warmly receive new hires – Canada

All too often, current employees aren’t aware a new team member is starting work on a given day.

Tiffany likes ...

Creative employee recognition ideas for a digital world

The world has become more digital—and so can your gratitude. These creative employee recognition ideas ...

Gina likes ...

Creative employee recognition ideas for a digital world – Canada

As the world becomes increasingly digital, so must the way we express gratitude to our team. Creative emp...

Sarah digs ...

Diversity in the Workplace [INFOGRAPHIC]

Workplace diversity is not just about differences in people and their culture, but a variety of ideas.

Sarah recommends ...

Fun employee giveaway ideas to help your team stay connected

Keep employees connected and engaged while working from home or on the road. We offer fun employee giveaw...