Suzanne suggests ...

Unplugged communication: The best promotional notebooks and pens

Screen-free communication is coming back in favor. Tap into the slow-tech movement by going old-school wi...

Emily suggests ...

Unusual corporate gifts they’re sure to remember

Unusual corporate gifts are something they won’t soon forget. Break outside the box for your best clien...

Sherry describes ...

Unwind in style with a relaxing promotion

Days are getting longer and sunnier—which means there’s no better time to enjoy the outdoors, catch a...

Sherry suggests ...

Useful giveaways new hires can put to work on the job

New hires will be excited to jump into their new roles and ready to tackle their task list when welcomed ...

Tiffany discusses ...

Useful promotional items

Sit back and enjoy the show as useful promotional products star in their own films highlighting their bes...

Anne digs ...

Useful promotional items for all types of weather

Whether recipients live in a tropical paradise, a winter wonderland or somewhere in between, useful promo...

Dan writes ...

Useful promotional items that stand the test of time

Keep your brand top of mind for a long time with useful promotional products that customers will keep for...

Matt discusses ...

Useful promotional items that stand the test of time – Canada

Stand the test of time with useful promotional products like long-lasting outerwear, handy kitchen access...

Tiffany discusses ...

Useful promotional products to help them declutter and stay organized

It’s a fact—organization makes life easier. The average person wastes 55 minutes every day looking fo...

Sarah suggests ...

Using branded labels to raise awareness when disaster strikes

Earthquakes. Floods. Fires. Building Resilient Communities used branded labels to spread awareness about ...