Suzanne chooses ...

amplify®: Tap into the power

Technology changes quickly and so do the tech promotional items that keep people connected. We discuss pr...

Suzanne suggests ...

amplify®: Branded outdoor gear gets its day in the sun

Sixty-six percent of U.S. citizens are getting outdoors more. This branded outdoor gear is perfect for ma...

Sarah writes ...

amplify®: Recycled giveaways turn bottles into branded merchandise

Did you know plastic bottles can be turned into great sustainable shirts? We share more recycled giveaway...

Alexis likes ...

amplify®: Cups of cheer

Drinkware is the branded gift for clients everyone can appreciate. Find the perfect mug or tumbler for yo...

Alysia suggests ...

amplify®: Cooler coolers

Coolers are a branded corporate gift for more than just outdoor enthusiasts. Modern styles and new featur...