Karla recommends ...

Get creative with these 4 year-round fundraising ideas – Canada

Encourage donations 365 days a year by trying these year-round fundraising ideas that are perfect for any...

Barb likes ...

Giving back to donors: 5 gratitude gifts and ideas – Canada

Your donors are the reason you're able to make a significant impact. We share gratitude gift ideas to sho...

Andy recommends ...

Grab-worthy parade giveaways they’ll line the route for – Canada

Make sure your giveaways include the name of your organization, tie into the parade theme, and provide va...

Tiffany suggests ...

Grants for nonprofit promotional items benefit more than 240 organizations

In Q1 2021, the one by one® program granted more than 240 organizations nonprofit promotional items to h...

Cheryl discusses ...

How apparel bag giveaways safely ship comfort to young patients

For kids undergoing numerous hospital visits, a zipshirt provides comfort and easy access to medical impl...