Implement personalized learning to meet students’ needs – Canada
Personalized learning for the win! This teaching approach is a great way to meet individual educational n...
5 fun ways to improve and personalize customer service
Everyone knows that customer service is important. But do you know just how important?
5 fun ways to improve and personalize customer service – Canada
Studies have shown 86 percent of buyers will pay more for a great customer experience.
Get youth engaged in government with these ideas and student giveaways
As a public sector employee, you’re likely no stranger to the fact that government is a complicated ind...
Get youth engaged in government with these ideas and student giveaways – Canada
These ideas, coupled with student giveaways, can help educate young people about all the things their gov...
Persuasive influencer marketing boosts brand attention
If you’re not using influencer marketing already, it might be time to consider adding it to your market...
Persuasive influencer marketing boosts brand attention – Canada
Influencer marketing and influencer giveaways can boost visibility with an audience that’s already inte...
Simple ways to increase recurring donations throughout the year
Did you know that in a single year, recurring donors give 42% more than one-time donors?
Simple ways to increase recurring donations throughout the year – Canada
Recurring gifts help you run your organization more effectively. With a simple donation setup, a lot of g...
Micro-credentialing programs put teachers at the top of the class – Canada
With a new micro-credentialing program and some training giveaways, your educators will be better able to...