Indigo digs ...

Use customer retention gifts to turn frowns upside down

A swift and considerate response to a problem, coupled with a thoughtful customer retention gift, can tur...

Alexis shares ...

amplify®: Yard signs for a cause

The Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment put promotional yard signs to work, creating a las...

Sarah recommends ...

How to strengthen relationships using community giveaways

Connecting with your neighbors cultivates trust and loyalty. Use community giveaways to build relationshi...

Mark discusses ...

6 public relations strategies to build a positive image

Solid public relations strategies help ensure your business stays strong and relevant through thick and t...

Callie discusses ...

6 public relations strategies to build a positive image – Canada

Smart public relations strategies can keep public perception positive even in times of crisis. We give si...

Zach writes ...

How to create loyal customers for life

Loyal customers is proven to help grow your business profits. We share 7 ways to transform casual consume...

Mark describes ...

6 behind-the-scenes content ideas to strengthen customer relationships – Canada

Showcase your brand’s personality, develop deeper customer understanding and build trust by providing e...

Amy likes ...

6 behind-the-scenes content ideas to strengthen customer relationships

Make customers feel special and add a human touch to your brand by offering engaging behind-the-scenes co...

Gina describes ...

Give a warm welcome with these tips and branded gifts

Provide a warm welcome using branded giveaways to make visitors feel comfortable, put their minds at ease...

Robert digs ...

Give a warm welcome with these tips and branded gifts – Canada

Show everyone who walks through your door you put their safety and comfort first. We offer branded giveaw...