Suzanne describes ...
Chill out with cool summer swag
When the sun gets too hot, cooling summer swag can come to the rescue. These promotional fans, water bott...
Cheryl chooses ...
Cheer your team to victory with sports promotional items
An engaged crowd can make a great game even better. Pass around these sports promotional items for a memo...
Sara discusses ...
Champion apparel is winning big with promotional clothing
Champion® is a top name in sportswear, from pop-culture adoration to official team gear. Co-brand your n...
Cheryl recommends ...
Centre for older adults gets boost from branded swag items
A longtime community pillar, the Betel Centre provides many services to older adults in Toronto. Colorful...
Cheryl suggests ...
Central American Theological Seminary (SETECA): one by one story
Check out how Central American Theological Seminary (SETECA) uses custom printed pencils to support and p...