Sarah recommends ...

Fresh promo promotional items ideas straight from our customers

Customers share the promo giveaway ideas that helped their organizations spread the word, thank supporter...

Dave shares ...

amplify®: Giveaway bag ideas

A tote-ally versatile giveaway for customers and team members, bags carry branding all around town. 4impr...

Liz shares ...

amplify®: Fall 2023

Organizations show understanding that resonates with customers and team members. The fall issue of amplif...

Zach recommends ...

Winter giveaway ideas to help people bundle up with your brand

Prospects, customers and team members will cozy up with your brand when you use these thoughtful winter g...

Sarah recommends ...

Impactful branding ideas using promotional products

Form meaningful connections with customers and prospects by combining brand essentials, like voice and st...

Sarah recommends ...

Promotional products for nonprofits help charitable organizations make a difference

Charitable organizations use promotional products for nonprofits to more easily reach their goals, from b...

Cheryl describes ...

Promotional buttons encourage equity in STEM

The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) uses promotional buttons to encourage equity in STEM while of...

Jon discusses ...

Hot picks for chilly temps: Cold-weather promotional product ideas

Snowball success by warming up customers inside and out. With the help of cold-weather giveaways, recipie...

Sarah recommends ...

Fall giveaway ideas to warm hearts

With autumn comes back-to-school, changing weather and spooky fun. These fall giveaway ideas are sure to ...

Shaun recommends ...

The hottest trending promotional products to rev up your branding

If you’re looking for a way to ramp up your organization’s branding and make a positive impression, c...