Carol discusses ...

Ace your charity outing with golf giveaways

Charity golf outings are an effective (and fun) way to raise awareness and funds. Find the best golf give...

Andy recommends ...

Grab-worthy parade giveaways they’ll line the route for – Canada

Make sure your giveaways include the name of your organization, tie into the parade theme, and provide va...

Amy writes ...

Grab-worthy parade giveaways they’ll line the route for

Who doesn’t love a parade? And all the parade swag that goes along with it! Whether celebrating a holid...

Karla discusses ...

5 creative ways to build relationships through online networking

Online networking is a powerful way for nonprofit organizations to interact with supporters and build rel...

Adam likes ...

5 creative ways to build relationships through online networking – Canada

If you want to build meaningful relationships with potential volunteers and donors, online networking is ...