Josh shares ...

4imprint® Grants Nonprofit Promotional Products to 270 Organizations

Nonprofit promotional product grants from 4imprint® helped 270 organizations during the third quarter of...

Sherry discusses ...

4 Ways Fundraising Benefits Students and Schools – Canada

Fundraisers help students build valuable skills in sales, goal setting and math. Learn how to use fundrai...

Rebecca discusses ...

4 Ways Fundraising Benefits Students and Schools

Utilize fundraising giveaways to help students learn important skills, like math, goal setting and sales....

Jon writes ...

4 simple tips for monetizing virtual events – Canada

Take your in-person galas and gatherings online. We have tips for monetizing virtual events to raise fund...

Molly writes ...

4 simple tips for monetizing virtual events

When in-person gatherings and galas aren’t an option, you can still fundraise with an online get-togeth...