Cory describes ...

Popular coping strategies to reduce employee stress – Canada

Stress is a factor in almost every workplace. In fact, 58 percent of Canadians say they are overworked, w...

Sherry suggests ...

5 common concerns about virtual care and how to address them – Canada

Here are five of the biggest concerns users have with virtual care and how to overcome them using these t...

Whitney recommends ...

4 Ways to help patients remember post-visit instructions – Canada

You can help patients retain their post-visit instructions with these simple tips. Use some healthcare pr...

Angie discusses ...

Improve patient communication by identifying different personas – Canada

Provide better care for patients by understanding different personas and how to communicate with them. Fo...

Sarah discusses ...

How virtual reality can enhance the patient experience – Canada

If you’re looking to incorporate VR in your practice, we have creative ideas—and some healthcare give...

Robert likes ...

Strengthen your health system’s culture by promoting high-quality care – Canada

As a healthcare organization, promoting a culture of high-quality care can fire up employee engagement an...

Gina writes ...

Build stronger relationships with your patients – Canada

A strong relationship with a healthcare provider will make a patient more inclined to share important inf...

Amanda describes ...

Ways to communicate across cultural differences – Canada

Many healthcare offices are looking for ways to make patients feel more comfortable, no matter their back...

Anne describes ...

How to craft the right job posting to get the right hire – Canada

Finding the right candidates to fill your healthcare jobs can be a struggle. Unemployment rates are low, ...

Yeng writes ...

Simple ways to make your practice more inviting – Canada

While patient care might sound like the domain for doctors and nurses, in truth it starts the moment a pa...

Mark describes ...

Addressing Rural Patients with Healthcare Giveaways – Canada

According to recent surveys, 18.9% of the Canadian population lives in rural areas.

Breanna discusses ...

How to use cross-facility communication to improve patient care – Canada

Use these tips and medical giveaways to help keep everyone on the same page.

Elizabeth describes ...

5 tips to improve the health of your staff retention- Canada

Employee thank-you gifts can increase your staff retention rate. Review these guidelines to boost employe...

Daryl discusses ...

How to make patients feel more comfortable – Canada

Learn how to make patients feel more comfortable and stress-free during their entire experience.

Erika describes ...

How to create a health awareness video – Canada

Make effective health awareness videos to keep patients informed on your practice.

Heidi digs ...

Healthcare wellness: How to manage stress in the workplace –

Healthcare staff unselfishly care for others first. These tips on how to manage stress in the workplace c...

Heidi discusses ...

How to tell a story with data for healthier solutions – Canada

Turning numbers into a story can be a challenge. These tips will show you how to tell a story with data s...

Shaun describes ...

4 tips and healthcare giveaways to get patients into a routine – Canada

Routine care plays a role in reducing many types of illnesses and disabilities. These 4 tips and healthca...

Adam likes ...

How to support healthcare staff in surviving long hours – Canada

Long hours can be hard on healthcare workers. With creativity and employee appreciation gifts, you can he...

Ryan describes ...

Telemedicine tips to help you make the most of every visit – Canada

Virtual visits are rapidly becoming more widespread. We share telemedicine tips that will make visits mor...

Meghan describes ...

5 healthcare gift ideas to make the day special for employees who work the holidays – Canada

Long-term care facilities, hospitals and medical clinics need staff 365 days a year. Show appreciation to...

Elizabeth describes ...

6 of the best employee recognition ideas to thank your support staff – Canada

Show your healthcare staff how much you appreciate them—especially during this unprecedented time. We s...

Daryl discusses ...

5 ways to step up their walking plan for better patient health – Canada

Whether they’re 9 or 99, your patients will benefit from a walking plan. We share tips to help them mak...

Angie describes ...

How to strengthen your digital healthcare marketing strategy – Canada

It’s time for a check-up—for your digital healthcare marketing strategy, that is. We offer ideas to h...

Molly likes ...

Healthcare influencer marketing: Partnering with patients who have a following – Canada

Influencers have already established trust with their audience. As patients themselves, influencers can b...