Andy recommends ...

First-day icebreakers and fun promo items for students – Canada

Back-to-school time can cause feelings of excitement as well as dread.

Amy discusses ...

four-tips-for-inclusive-event-planning – Canada

Knowing how to recruit, engage and retain top teachers can be a major administrative challenge. We share ...

Matt writes ...

Get every student on task with flexible seating ideas – Canada

Flexible seating ideas can improve student health, collaboration and concentration. Get extra help from s...

Tiffany recommends ...

Help teaching staff make the most of time out of the classroom – Canada

Teaching staff members put in long hours, without typical vacation days, during the school year. Help the...

Amanda suggests ...

Hold a pitch festival and captivate your class – Canada

This creative, engaging and educational program puts students and their ideas in the spotlight. Plan a su...