Mark describes ...

Persuasive influencer marketing boosts brand attention – Canada

Influencer marketing and influencer giveaways can boost visibility with an audience that’s already inte...

Amanda discusses ...

5 helpful online appeal tips for every nonprofit

Increase donations and recruit volunteers with stand-out digital promotions. Use these tips, and promotio...

Alysia discusses ...

How to use video to create an impactful year-end appeal

Finish the year on a high note. Make the most of December giving by using video in your year-end appeal. ...

Adam suggests ...

How to use video to create an impactful year-end appeal – Canada

Video is a great way to show impact and encourage a donation. Make video a must in your appeal and promot...

Amy describes ...

5 ways to revive patient care with a personalized online experience

Personalized online experiences and health promotional items can be used in tandem to help empower patien...