Mae suggests ...

How to use virtual event storytelling to pique interest

Incorporating elements of a good story in your virtual event is a fantastic way to grab—and hold—inte...

Tiffany describes ...

How to use virtual event storytelling to pique interest – Canada

How can you enhance your virtual event to capture and hold attendees’ attention? One way is through sto...

Molly suggests ...

Virtual event swag to engage and thrill attendees – Canada

Virtual event swag can get attendees engaged in and excited about your online training, holiday party, fu...

Karla writes ...

Virtual event swag to engage and thrill attendees

Who knew virtual event swag could get so many people engaged and excited about attending your event? We o...

Yeng chooses ...

amplify®: Shifting spaces

Since nearly all in-person events are canceled, you may need to transition to a virtual event . We give t...