Sarah recommends ...

5 memorable and creative ways to share critical government information – Canada

Ensure citizen buy-in and clear up jargon when your government agency creatively shares critical informat...

Jayne discusses ...

Connect with distanced staff and customers with memorable giveaways – Canada

When employees and staff are physically distanced, memorable giveaways help them feel connected with each...

Karla suggests ...

6 ways to use text messaging for better staff and citizen communication – Canada

Improve staff and citizen communication using text messages. We share 6 ways to use text messaging to con...

Sandy shares ...

4 ways businesses can engage the community (plus community giveaway ideas) – Canada

Get your team involved in the community to grow your business’s reputation. We offer fun ideas plus com...

Adam shares ...

5 creative ideas for parking lot utilization – Canada

If your city has unused parking lots or even unused parking spots, we offer creative ideas for transformi...