Shaun writes ...

How to make your virtual event a smashing success – Canada

Make your company’s virtual event the highlight of the year. We offer ideas on how to make your virtual...

Andy suggests ...

How to use Beacon Technology at a Trade Show

This article explores ways to use beacon technology at a trade show to increase engagement, map the trade...

Suzanne recommends ...

Moleskine: Make the “write” impression with notebook giveaways

Moleskine notebook giveaways from 4imprint are a great promotional choice when you are looking to make ju...

Kathi describes ...

Must-Have Technology for Trade Show Travel

The average trade show traveler will venture 400 miles to attend an exhibit. This article explores top te...

Whitney recommends ...

Presentation tips for a confident speech – Canada

For some people, public speaking is a nerve-wracking experience. It’s not actually clear how many peopl...