Zach describes ...

Branded tech gadgets remain a home-and-office mainstay for staff and customers – Canada

Branded tech gadgets keep staff and customers organized and productive. Our tech product specialist, Mich...

Carla discusses ...

Bridge the generational gap with gifts for boomers, Gen Z and everyone in-between – Canada

Team members spanning generations have varying communication preferences and motivation factors. We offer...

Sandy writes ...

Customers share their best promotional stories – Canada

The best giveaways can tell a story, say thank you and do so much more. Customers share the promotional i...

Gail describes ...

Outdoor promotional items to refresh your marketing – Canada

Merchandising expert, Jayne, dishes on what’s hot in outdoor promotional items, from umbrellas and picn...

Amanda likes ...

Organizations care for their communities with nonprofit giveaways – Canada

Charitable organizations use nonprofit giveaways to share their mission, thank volunteers and help others...