Pam recommends ...

Create an amazing medical profile to help patients find you – Canada

A well-written medical profile can highlight your expertise and help patients find you more easily. We sh...

Kristi suggests ...

Health promotional items to help fight off seasonal germs – Canada

Fight germs and stay well during cold and flu season with preventive measures that include wellness promo...

Zach writes ...

Healthcare influencer marketing: Partnering with patients who have a following

Patients who are bloggers, vloggers and influencers can be an invaluable marketing resource. We offer way...

Molly likes ...

Healthcare influencer marketing: Partnering with patients who have a following – Canada

Influencers have already established trust with their audience. As patients themselves, influencers can b...

Alexis discusses ...

How to analyze healthcare data to achieve better patient care

Improve patient care using healthcare promotional items as a tool to open up the lines of communication.