Alexis suggests ...

8 fun virtual event gamification ideas

Catching attention at a virtual trade show can be an easy win—and a lot of fun. We offer a variety of v...

Mark shares ...

6 virtual networking tips to help you make connections – Canada

Meeting new leads when in-person events are canceled requires a digital approach. Here are six virtual ne...

Tiffany writes ...

6 virtual networking tips to help you make connections

It can be hard to find new leads without in-person networking and trade shows. These virtual networking t...

Alexis digs ...

5 tips to get your trade show exhibit rolling with video – Canada

Looking to capture the attention of trade show goers? Make a video. Explore best practices (and some prom...

Andy discusses ...

5 great trade show booth games to attract customers – Canada

Looking to drive traffic to your booth? Check out 5 of the best trade show games to attract customers and...