Sarah recommends ...

Market segmentation

Is your small business looking for ways to increase profits, reduce costs and effectively reach the custo...

Chelsea chooses ...

Material matters in cool promotional items: the charm of wood, metal, cloth and glass

When it comes to gifts, material matters. From natural wood and soft cloth to sleek metal and upscale gla...

Alex shares ...

Pennywise ideas for using inexpensive promotional items

Get the most bang for your buck and help exceed organizational goals—while staying within budget—by i...

Kongcheng digs ...

Promotional branded gifts for a budget-friendly refresh

Refreshing your company’s brand on a budget is simple when you incorporate impactful promotional brande...

Sarah recommends ...

Promotional travel bag trends: Hacks and tips to make travel more relaxing

Tap into these four time- and space-saving promotional travel bag trends to make packing for that next bu...