Sarah discusses ...

6 ideas for how to get the best hybrid event sponsors

Hybrid events offer greater reach, better attendance and flexibility for your company and attendees. Chec...

Andy discusses ...

5 great trade show booth games to attract customers – Canada

Looking to drive traffic to your booth? Check out 5 of the best trade show games to attract customers and...

Maria describes ...

5 easy tips for remote trade show booth management – Canada

When you’re not physically there, managing a trade show exhibit can seem daunting. It doesn’t have to...

Heidi suggests ...

4 trade show emergency kits to help be prepared for anything – Canada

In all the hustle and bustle of trade shows, mishaps are sure to happen. We offer ways to stay prepared f...

Julie chooses ...

4 trade show emergency kits to help be prepared for anything

A missing cord, a scrape during booth setup or a lost button can all happen at a trade show. We offer ide...