Sarah digs ...

Diversity in the Workplace [INFOGRAPHIC]

Workplace diversity is not just about differences in people and their culture, but a variety of ideas.

Andy recommends ...

How to shake up your next gala – Canada

How can your nonprofit shake things up to make its next gala one your community members will want to atte...

Cheryl writes ...

How tote bag gifts encourage kindness

Being extra kind can make someone’s day. Using tote bag gifts as a reward for kindness, Silvera for Sen...

Cindy recommends ...

Mitchell Yancey Healthy Families: one by one story

The Mitchell Yancey Healthy Families initiative, a nonprofit organization, revived a promotional products...

Casey recommends ...

one by one® story: Guardians of the Children

Guardians of the Children uses nonprofit promotional items to raise funds and educate the public in an ef...