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Simple steps and leadership giveaways for a winning succession plan

Succession plans are essential to your organization’s future. Careful planning and leadership giveaways...

Zach recommends ...

Simple steps to develop a winning succession plan – Canada

When it comes to succession plans, knowledge and reality are not always the same.

Sherry suggests ...

The good, the bad and the gig economy – Canada

Independent contractors and freelance workers add to the growth of the gig economy. We give pros and cons...

Angie writes ...

The importance of time off from work (even though we’re home more often)

Now that many people work from home, they may not be taking their vacation time as often. Try these ideas...

Sandy describes ...

The importance of time off from work (even though we’re home more often) – Canada

If you’re trying to show employees the importance of time off from work, we explain the benefits of vac...