Pam recommends ...

Create an amazing medical profile to help patients find you – Canada

A well-written medical profile can highlight your expertise and help patients find you more easily. We sh...

Andrea likes ...

Essential self-care tips to refuel staff

Self-care should not be seen as an indulgence.

Zach digs ...

Essential self-care tips to refuel staff – Canada

Self-care is the deliberate actions people take to care for their mental, emotional and physical health.

Kristi suggests ...

Health promotional items to help fight off seasonal germs – Canada

Fight germs and stay well during cold and flu season with preventive measures that include wellness promo...

Zach writes ...

Healthcare influencer marketing: Partnering with patients who have a following

Patients who are bloggers, vloggers and influencers can be an invaluable marketing resource. We offer way...